Been awhile since I posted some Baby Shower doings, but believe me, when you work at a school with young employees, they are always getting showered, so more fun for me....
The Sign-in Table...
And experiment we did! Each Centerpiece was equipped with an experiment to find out WHAT bubble instrument would blow the MOST bubbles!
The baloons sort of looked like bubbles, to me, and the labware held the forks very well...
The Sign-in Table...
test tubes, test tube holder, vintage science book
The science teacher and his wife were expecting their firstborn, a male child...So, since I'm always eYeing the cool laboratory glassware, what a perfect opportunity to let the wild scientist decorator experiment!
And experiment we did! Each Centerpiece was equipped with an experiment to find out WHAT bubble instrument would blow the MOST bubbles!
.......................................vintage Wonder Soap Bubbles................................
Bubble Head Experiment (bubble headed)
Used the school dicuts to make cute science decor, cut from scrapbook paper:
stars,flasks, atoms, and
microscopes...were a few
Wild Flowers and twigs in lab (vases)... Centerpieces...
The baloons sort of looked like bubbles, to me, and the labware held the forks very well...
The Food Table Centerpiece...
Elevated on the classroom science books...
Close ups...
The Happy Couple