It takes a LOT to make me distance myself from people. I can overlook most things. My house is made of glass so I tend to pick and choose when to throw my stones. How do you know when enough is enough? When the person has crossed that line and it's time to separate yourself from them? This is probably the hardest thing for me to do. I have done so much shit in my life. Hurt so many people. Who am I to judge anyone or say that what anyone does is "wrong" and I don't want to be associated with that?
This is the situation I find myself in at the moment and I truly just don't know which direction to take. On one side I am angry that I have been put in this situation because I shouldn't have been and on the other I think it's really none of my business so I should just look the other way. But I just don't know. If it were an "acquaintance" then I would have no issues walking away, but it is someone I care a lot about so I just don't know what to do. I have so much already going on that no one knows about and now this is dumped on top of it.This always happens. Every time I think I have found someone who will be there. I mean truly there. Regardless of the shit I pull, something always happens and I lose that person. Jigger always says to me that "a person is known by the company they keep". He asks me "do I know want to be known as "that"?
Honestly the answer is no. I don't. but that doesn't make it hurt any less.