Over the weekend we took another trip up to the Skagit Valley, this time to view the daffodil fields in bloom. Mother Nature wasn't very cooperative on that front, so we ducked into a bunch of my fave shops for spring inspiration instead.
These gorgeous photos all show the fresh florals included in display setups at Christiansons' Nursery . The 'Antique Shop' on the property is a mecca for excellence in product presentation, and by adding fresh flowers, plants, and mosses to it, they elevate it to a stunning example of brand image coming to life.
Simple ideas, grandiose effects. The very best kind of visual merchandising.
We also stopped by Skagit Valley Gardens again - the place with the rusty trucks, remember?! We had lunch in their darling cafe (highly recommended) and then browsed through the Garden Store and the Root Cellar Gift Shop again... I snapped these photos of more display ideas for you:
Another large-scale display prop lifts small boxes of smaller product (flower bulbs) into prominence...
An old fridge fits the theme and creatively (and safely) displays painted martini glasses.
These are old windows, hung horizontally from chains with brackets bracing them to the pillar. A great idea that is easy to execute. (The only caveat here would be that no heavy items are placed in this kind of shelving). Great ideas are everywhere!
Note: My original post this morning has been removed, as my post for Design*Sponge has been delayed. I'll link to it when it appears!