Thursday, March 5, 2009

Gratitude Giveaway

I stopped in at Half Price Books last evening and headed for the sale rack. Yeah, I am CHEAP. And sitting there on the lower shelf, as if waiting for me to arrive, were two copies of the best book ever written for retailers: 'Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping' by Paco Underhill, self-avowed Retail Anthropologist.

The Retail Bible, it's been called. The de rigeur textbook for countless students in business and visual courses at colleges across the country for years now. And one of my number-one resources. Paco studies stores and talks about what works and what doesn't, sure, but Paco also studies PEOPLE and how they shop. The resulting information is enough to make a business owner's head spin - and to help them get back on track, with helpful suggestions for changes that will result in increased visibility, accessibility, conversion, and sales of merchandise. Just what we all need right now, yes?

I know that this book will help you, no matter what you sell or where your store is or how long you've been in business - or what your situation is right now. All you have to do is make time to read it, and let yourself be open to the advice given within its pages.

So, of course, I grabbed those two copies and instead of the publisher's price of $25 per, I got them for two bucks each, and now I'm going to give them away - to you. Free! Just my way of expressing my gratitude and saying thank you to you all for visiting, reading, commenting, and letting me know when the resources I share here have been helpful to you. These are Hardback books, probably publisher overruns or leftover stock from some poor soul who went out of business because they didn't READ this book. (The paperback shown above is mine and I'm keeping it, sorry!)

How do you win?
Leave a comment on this post, with your name, the kind of business you are in (gift, fashion, home decor retail, event design, etc.) and make sure your name is linked to your profile, blog, website, or leave me your business or personal email. If I draw your name, I'll contact you for a shipping address - and send Paco's wisdom winging it's way to you.

Want another chance to win?
Post about this giveaway on your own blog, with a direct link to this post, and then comment here with a link to YOUR post. I'll enter your name again!

I'll be picking two names on the evening of Thursday, March 12. On Friday morning, I'll announce the winner's names here, and send them an email. Good luck!