updated repost...Joining Way too late for the Copy Me Challenge,
but I still wanted to show off my knock~off idea from
Donna...at Funky Junk...
remember where she used a vintage hanger to hang a curtain?...well here is my version...
and I am linking it to a fun party featuring Donna's style.

remember where she used a vintage hanger to hang a curtain?...well here is my version...
and I am linking it to a fun party featuring Donna's style.

a spice jar, turned candle holder...added a little Epsom Salt...
sometimes I use rock salt, but the Epsom has a finer glimmer to it...
the two salts work well mixed together with a little glitter, too.
sometimes I use rock salt, but the Epsom has a finer glimmer to it...
the two salts work well mixed together with a little glitter, too.
and of course a touch of bling~never hurts!
I used a plant hanger to hang my hanger...
since I don't have molding, plus it needed to be very secure.
I used a plant hanger to hang my hanger...
since I don't have molding, plus it needed to be very secure.
I really didn't want a curtain up on this window.
The player piano roll fit the skinny entry window perfectly,
with the tiny note holes allowing a pretty pattern of light.
with the tiny note holes allowing a pretty pattern of light.
The song is "Let Me Call You Sweetheart"
and I think it made a sweetheart of a pull shade.
The openness of an old canning jar basket resting on a rusty aquarium base
keeps the small area from appearing crowded.
Parts of the roll were very brittle,
decoupaging some dress patterns around reinforced those spots without altering the look much.
ignore me, in the mirror, and I am still am in the tweaking stage of my entry
(one reason I didn't post it during the challenge, but decided to show it now and add more pics as it evolves)
Blogging is a great place for inspiration and encouragement...
When I see an idea, my imagination just shoots off to new ideas and ways I can incorporate it for my home.
That creative process is fun, isn't it?
Have you taken an idea lately and changed it up a bit to fit you?
Adding one more picture...when I found my crystal bling, I dangled some...it helped to weight it, too.
pulling down the shades and going to bed..
More Parties...