Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Have You Seen My Keys???

I've made a few of these key holders...they are good sellers...
They are keys.  They spell keys. They hold keys.

& I think we, us junkers, need to start exploring ways to re-use some of the new junk that is trashing our world, 
so this is part of my contribution to that, if you would like to see what I've done with a keyboard just click it. I'd love to see any ideas you have for New Junk.

 an old apothecary bottle filled with tattered bits of life...

 A rusty key for adornment...tied with jute.

                  Hey, maybe I left my keys in my vintage handbag....

or maybe my keys are hiding behind another button bouquet,  on a vintage frame,

                                                                              notice our card...

           It is the old hotel where us 7 kids grew up...

                                                                 5 Sisters and Two Brothers...

I used an old brown bottle, with Anacin written on the side, for this they still make Anacin? Luckily, I seldom, if ever, have a headache, but all this searching for keys, may lead to one.

                  The frame is resting on something I will post about later, too tired right now,


We have made it our mission, this past week, to help Moma sort through some of her things...

                                                         plus  fatten her up.  We were successful! Her room is straight,


She has gained almost 7 pounds in 7 days!  

God is Good!  

and so is Blue Belle Ice Cream.

 May the Lord Bless You and Keep You



It takes a lot of energy and time to fatten  little ole' stubborn ladies up, so I may not be posting so much, we'll see...

but I will be browsing, so y'all keep posting!  I hope to see you at Winnie and Talula's,  maybe I'll bring Moma, too.
