Friday, May 13, 2011

Memory Land

Went to Prarieville, pronounced Pruvulle, well that's not exactly the way to say it, but I'd have to speak it to you for you to know...I took  Moma, today, some old time folks were having a sale, in a barn.  Moma didn't really recognize Prarieville, like she used too.  It has for ever been a  special memory place for Moma, stirring deep love, this land she was born on... and she made all of us kids and Daddy love it too, with her stories, along with our own memories, mingling together. Daddy wasn't born there, but you would have thought so. He spent much time there fox hunting and in the old home place, turned hunting shack~ doghouse...swapping stories, playing dominoes, and of course, listening for the dogs' bark. Mabank and Prarieville breathe, to us, like only places that hold memories for one can do.  Places having names for their bottom lands and pastures, some still called by the names of people long gone.

                                    This is Prarieville for my moma, her memory land...

We pulled up some Black Eyed Susans, by the roots, the ground being soft from recent rains, she is hoping to replant.

Replanting Memories
