Saturday, February 13, 2010

Deb's Video Series

Are you a retailer who sells product at home shows?
A wholesaler who sells products at gift shows? 
A dealer of handmade, vintage, or antique goods 
who sells at antique & vintage barn shows? 

Are you a first-time Farm Chicks Show vendor, 
wondering what you've signed on for?!

I have a great resource to share with you:

In 2008, I filmed six videos at the Farm Chicks show
to be broadcast on the Gift & Home Channel for retailers.
The videos contain information about successful visual merchandising, 
combined with interviews of some creative women 
who are very experienced & successful in this area of business:

Serena Thompson & Teri Edwards, The Farm Chicks
Heather Bullard, of Present Past Collection
Bari J. Ackerman, of BariJ Designs
Tammy Gilley, of Tammy Gilley Studios
and me!

You can view all six of my videos on my web site
{scroll to the bottom of the page to see the six embedded video players}

Oh, and I wasn't a brunette until December of last year... ;0)

Image Credit: DWK images 2008; 
Thank you to the Emmy-award winning video crew from Peak Video Productions in Spokane, Wa.