Tuesday, January 19, 2010


'Blooms, bloomin', Bloomies'...
Yeah, this image fits my current state of mind!

I've had my head wrapped around the yarn industry all morning, thanks to a very nice phone interview with Kristine Hansen at Yarn Market News. She's working on an article about color psychology for retailers for the March YMN issue. Since that coincides with the conference in Seattle - and I'm speaking on store design there - she wanted to include quotes from me in her writing. Thank you, Kristine, I appreciate that!

Immediately following that phone interview, I opened an email from Maxwell at Apartment Therapy, with an update on the ongoing Bloomingdale's Window Display Challenge. {I posted about his design the other day}. The windows will be revealed tomorrow, and you can see it all plus keep up with the action and vote on your fave HERE.

Credit for the beautiful image in this post goes to JuteandJackfruit from this post: 
http://juteandjackfruit.net/2010/01/kick-off-2010-with-warm-cozy-style-in-indigenous-designs-flower-power-knits-accessories/ - and I highly recommend reading their blog. Excellent resource, great information, terrific products & ideas.