Artificial Christmas Tree
Giveaway at Balsam Hill
I received this email from Cathy at Balsam today:
"Hi Deb... We're holding a giveaway contest to help one lucky family celebrate Christmas. We are giving away a Colorado Mountain Spruce Christmas tree valued at $799.
To promote the contest, {we are counting on blogs to offer our link and information to their readership.} We will be awarding a cash prize of $500.00 to whoever runs the site that refers the winner. To participate, just insert this link on your site "Debi Ward Kennedy on Retail Design & Display".
Thanks, and good luck to you and your readers!
Happy Holidays,
Cathy Louis'
In the interest of disclosure as part of the 'Blog With Integrity' pledge I have taken, I will offer to you, my readers, the information that I have not had any contact with nor affiliation with Balsam Hill at any time until this email arrived. They are not my suppliers, clients or customers. I believe I've simply been randomly selected to help them promote their giveaway. (Edited to add: confirmed by Cathy's email response to me: they found me in a web search for interior designers)
Normally, I pass on opportunities for advertising & promotion here on my blog unless it's something I am familiar with and can recommend wholeheartedly. I investigated the Balsam Hill site and found more information about their products, including the tree they are giving away. These are beautiful artificial trees and I can see them working well as display pieces for retail and as decor in residential & corporate settings. I am not familiar with the company or product, however, so please don't consider my offering of their link for the contest an endorsement of them.
In any case, since there may be someone out there who'd love to win a beautiful Colorado Mountain Spruce Christmas Tree, valued at $799, from Balsam, I thought I'd pass along the chance to do so. Click to enter the drawing for the Artificial Christmas tree sweepstakes at Balsam Hill . Entries must be received by December 10, 2009 at 11:59 PM, PST. For complete rules and regulations of the contest, go here.
(And good luck - if one of my readers wins and I get that $500 cash prize, I'll be offering a giveaway, too!)
UPDATE Jan 15 2010: I FINALLY received this info:
"Thank you for your interest in promoting the Balsam Hill on your blog or website. Our 2009 Christmas Tree Giveaway and Blogger Drawing are now closed. Congratulations to Polly from Fairfield, CA for winning the Balsam Hill 2009 Christmas Tree Giveaway and Hollie from Real Moms...Real Views as our blogger winner." It was posted on the 'rules' page. Images from