Monday, June 15, 2009

Deb's Design & Display Stars: The Top Stitch

I'd like to share some photos of an incredibly successful booth design, that I discovered at the Farm Chicks show. Elaine Forster sent me this email after my chat at the show with her:

Hi Debi,
It was with great pleasure that I chatted with you at the Farm Chicks and received your lavish praise for the design and set-up of our booth. I am elaine forster designs, but our booth is mostly identified by The Top Stitch green sign that dominated our skyline above our vintage kitchen cabinet. If you recall, when you took photos and mentioned that you would like to show some of them on your blog, I gave credit for the design and layout to my daughter, Michelle Trent. I expressed the wish that you could meet her.

This morning as Michelle and I chatted about the show, I discovered that you did actually meet with her and chatted in your booth. Her seven year old daughter Gabby tried on several of your tiaras while you chatted. During Friday's setup, we strolled through the building and she indicated that your booth was right up there in her judgment as one of the few *best* displays. So when you and she chatted during the show, she had no clue that you had already admired her handiwork!

If you do mention our spot, I would love to see her hard work mentioned!
Best regards,
Elaine Forster

As you view the following photos and hear my thoughts about the booth design & displays, you'll see that I did, indeed, admire Michelle's handiwork! I can't say enough about the great job she has done with this space. And no, she is, apparently, not a professional stylist. Though I truly think she should be!From the clear presentation of the business name & logo to the integration of color into the set...

From unique items used as fixtures to hold products, and fabric-related whimsical props to bring attention to several vignettes within the space...

Old washtubs painted hot colors, and a metal ironing board hung on the wall as a 'pegboard'.
A wire lampshade frame placed upside down on a pole lamp, with wire hangers around it displaying aprons... I told Elaine about my tomato cage mannequin idea, and she says it's going to be one she uses!A vintage laundry basket remade with new fabric sling, and woven baskets.

To the awesome and unique product packaging... sewing kits of fabric, pattern, thread, and directions presented in glass canning jars. Darling!It is always a pleasure to see people in business who understand and utilize the science & art of visual merchandising to enhance their image. This booth was located at the end of a main aisle, with a perfect sight line - and they worked it for everything it was worth! It was one of the best booths at the show, in my opinion, for using the concept of combining inexpensive materials with lots of imagination for maximum impact. Bravo! All in a space that was set up in less than four hours, and had a duration of two days for a show. Over 5000 people saw their booth and discovered this business - and the image they projected was of pure professionalism, imagination, and creativity. Perfect for their product!

Elaine, thank you for allowing me to feature your business and booth. I know others will learn a LOT from seeing what you have done!

These ladies have a shop in Spokane, Washington, as well, where they sell fabric, patterns, sewing notions, and host creative classes. On my next visit over, I plan to pop in and see what magic they have created in a permanent setting. Can't you just imagine?!

The Top Stitch
3808 N Monroe * Spokane, WA 99205 * 509-328-7397
(located near SE corner of Monroe and Garland)