Over the years, I have watched films like these (especially these) and thought to myself "We need a President who acts like this. One with integrity and class. Who stands up for all of us and what is right. Who doesn't let the bullies win."
To quote a line from the last film up there,
In President Obama's first address to a joint session of Congress, he mentioned small businesses several times (I counted three, but there could be more). I cheered, applauded, and even stood up at one point - as did Congress, repeatedly. As he said, these are not Republican or Democratic issues - they are American issues. To quote that same film again, "We have serious problems and we need serious people to handle them". He's not a savior, and at this point they are still words...but there is action planned to back up those words. And that, in my opinion, is more than anyone else has stepped up to in quite some time.
We, fellow small business owners, are the backbone of industry in this country. We drive the economy. And now we have a President who recognizes our impact on the future of our nation, and has pledged his support to us.
If that alone doesn't make you stand up and cheer, I hope Harrison Ford, Kevin Kline, and Michael Douglas come crashing through your front door in Air Force One and talk some sense into you so you'll get with the program and work together toward solutions.
Note: I'm posting this and leaving comments open to start with. If they get nasty, rude, or disrespectful, I'm deleting them and possibly closing them. It's my blog and it's not a democracy here, it's a Debocracy. I have a right to my opinions and I have this blog to share them. You don't
have to agree...but be civil. If you can't, get your own blog and write whatever you want. Thanks.